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Love Letters from Pronk: Lurann

Love Letters From Pronk is an ongoing series where Pronk shares his love for somebody connected to the Cubs. Sometimes funny, sometimes weird, Pronk likes to make 100% sure people know that they are loved, and best expresses that through gushing letters.

Today's love letter goes out to a the number one fan of the blog: Lurann. Lurann is a nice lady who keeps all of us staff members entertained. She comments on every single one of our facebook posts without fail. Sometimes it takes a few days if she's busy, but she always circles back to it by the end. We love our die hard fans!


We greatly appreciate your die hard following of our silly blog. Your clever comments are a pleasure to read, and often make us laugh. It's a good mix of embarrassing Steve, but also this certain wittiness and dry humor blend you bring.

During the times you don't comment, we might begin to worry if the drought goes on for a few days. Then you jump back in with a few comments and we all go "phew she's still there." Like clockwork, we post something and you are there! And we love it.

We greatly appreciate your constant joy and energy. Writing a blog requires a ton of maintenance and balancing with daily life, but knowing there's at least one die hard fan out there makes it worth it. We greatly appreciate all of your comments and support.

We are working on making you a top fan on our Facebook page. Unfortunately, none of us are wise enough to figure it out yet. But when we do, rest assured, your name is at the top of the list.

Also, we love it when you send us awesome pictures like this!

I wanted to extend to you an offer: Would you like to write your own love letter to somebody Cubs related, and it would be featured on our site as a guest columnist? If so, just let us know, and we'll make it happen.

Thanks again for being our number one fan! You make blog writing worth it!




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