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Myrtle Beach Pelicans: Game 1

This week, I am on a road trip to Myrtle Beach and back. I will be seeing some Pelicans and Smokies games in the flesh! On Tuesday 7/13, I attended a Myrtle Beach Pelicans game. The Pelicans were home at field, and playing the Columbia Fireflies.

It was a fantastic time. My wife and I had seats 3 rows back behind home plate, so we were in the thick of the action. It was a warm, humid, but rain free night, and we got to enjoy a game. While the Pelicans lost, it was a great place to be.

The stadium was very nice. Despite being 20+ years old, it had a solid clean feel to it. Seats were good, walkways were fine, and it felt spacious. Definitely a good place to take in a game.

The food was fantastic. I had a crab cake sandwich, fried pickles and bog balls. The food was so tasty it will get its own article later on, so that I can do it justice. Definitely a great part of the game experience though.

The game experience was among the best I've ever had for a minor league game. Outside of the energy not quite being the same as what I get to enjoy at Wrigley, I had just as good of a time at field as I would at any major league stadium. It was a great experience, and I recommend it highly. It took me about 16 hours of driving to get there, and it was worth it.


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